Matt Juretic

About Me

profile-pic Hello my name is Matt Juretic. I am orignially from Lebanon,Pennsylvania. It is located in central PA, close to Hershey.(The sweetest place on earth) I am a Mercedes benz diesel techncian, which means i work on Mercedes Benz Sprinters. While i do enjoy working on cars, im ready for a career change. I have always had an intrest in coding/Web Development so i figured no time better then now to dive in! My long term goal is to become a Master full stack web developer. When im not working, I enjoy fishing, camping, skiing, and hiking.I enjoy seeing live music and music festivals as well.Now you may ask what kind of music I am into, and to be honest a little bit of everything and i mean it! I also enjoy comedy, so i shall leave you with a joke. What do you do when you see a Space Man?